O Prof. Dr. Andrew Feenberg, professor de Filosofia da Tecnologia na Escola de Comunicação da Simon Fraser University (Canadá), realizará seminário no Departamento de Política Científica e Tecnológica do Instituto de Geociências da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, no dia 28 de março, sexta-feira, às 10h. A palestra, intitulada “Concretizing Simondon and Constructivism: A Recursive Contribution to the Theory of Concretization”, acontecerá na sala EB15, no prédio da Engenharia Básica, localizado ao lado do Instituto de Geociências da Unicamp. O evento é aberto a todos os interessados. Confira um resumo da fala do Prof. Feenberg:
This paper argues that Gilbert Simondon’s theory of concretization is useful for both science and technology studies (STS) and political theory. By “concretization” Simondon means the process of multiplying the functions served by the structures of a device. He gives the example of the air cooled engine which combines cooling and containment in a single structure, the engine case. Concretization contrasts with “abstract” designs that add structures for each function, complicating the device and reducing its efficiency. According to Simondon the normal evolution of technologies can be traced in successive concretizations. The aim of this paper is to concretize in a single conceptual framework the functionally distinct notions of “concretization” in Simondon and “actors” in STS. The combination has important political applications. It shows how apparently contradictory demands can be reconciled through innovation. For example, we are often told that adding new environmental functions to existing technologies will trade off ideology for efficiency. Instead, the new framework opens a perspective on the radical transformation of technology required by ecological modernization and sustainability. In so doing, it suggests a way of reconstructing the Frankfurt School’s “rational critique of reason” and Marcuse’s notion of “technological rationality.”
Seminários DPCT/PPG-PCT Data: 28/03/2014 – Sexta-feira Horário: 10h Local: Sala EB15 (Prédio da Engenharia Básica)